In my last post related to the ICF Community of Practice on Global Executive Coaching i brought in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs with reference to coaching. As i said, i and many coaches i know, do use this in their coaching process to understand and make the client understand where the client is coming from.

Neurolinguistic Programming NLP follows a values and belief hierarchy represented by the pyramid at right.  Though at first sight this is quite different from Maslow, i find remarkable similarities between them that can help in one’s coaching process.

Our needs give rise to our values and beliefs. As our needs change these too change. Our needs change as we move on in life.

Gail Sheehy‘s Passages and New passages trace the changes in our needs as we advance in years. NLP techniques allow us to probe further into these need states which seem to be related in several ways to our age and situation.

A dictum in Coaching is to focus on Client needs. What if client needs are unclear or if  unstated needs are as relevant or more relevant than stated needs? This can happen for many reasons. We all like to consciously present ourselves in a manner that others would like to see us. What’s held in the unconscious is held back.

Powerful questioning and probing helps the client understand herself better. Both Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the NLP values pyramid suggest ways to question and probe. Solutions surface only when the issues are better understood.

Please join me on 1 August and every First Wednesday of the month at the ICF GEC Community. It’s free and earns CCEU for credential renewal.

Link: Linked In Group ICF GEC CP

Forum: Global Executive Coaching Community of Practice of ICF

Facilitator: Ram S Ramanathan

Time: 12:00 PM ET
Date: 1st Wednesday of each month
Bridge: 1-212-457-9879 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 1-212-457-9879 end_of_the_skype_highlighting PIN 622186